Privacy Policy

Yuugui Privacy Policy

Last Updated: November 28, 2023

At Yuugui ("Company," "we," "us," or "our"), we prioritize the protection and confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our Services.

1. Information Collection

We collect the following types of personal data:

  • Names: To provide a personalized experience.
  • Gender and Birthday: To enhance and customize your user experience.
  • Location: To tailor location-based services and content.
  • Type of Content User Engages With: To improve our Services and offer relevant content.

2. Use of Collected Data

We utilize the collected data solely for providing you with a personalized experience on our platform. Your information helps us in:

  • Customizing your user experience based on your preferences.
  • Tailoring content to your interests and location.
  • Improving our Services to meet your needs and preferences.

3. Data Sharing

We do not share any of your personal data with third parties for any reason. Your information is kept confidential and is solely used for enhancing your experience within Yuugui.

4. Ownership and Deletion of Data

You retain ownership of all the data you provide or generate on our platform. You have the full authority to delete your data from our system at any time.

5. Data Security

We implement robust security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to delete your data from our platform, please contact us at [email protected].