Refund Policy

Yuugui Refund Policy

Last Updated: November 28, 2023

We aim for complete satisfaction with your experience on our platform. However, we understand that circumstances may require refunds under certain conditions.

1. Subscription Refunds

Subscription to our Pro plans provides you with extra features, and the abitily to boost pages, and posts on our plateform.

Therefore, subscription fees are non-refundable to your used payment mothod. Instead the refund is aaded to your digital wallet.

2. Refund Request Process

To request a refund, please [provide details on the refund request process, including contact information and required information].

3. Exceptions

Refunds will not be provided if you have violated our Terms of Use or engaged in illegal activities on our platform.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, please contact us at [email protected].